Our Lab is Self-Assembling!!
We are always looking for motivated undergraduate and graduate researchers broadly interested in any and all aspect of structural colours or ornithology to join the Evolutionary Photonics Lab. Please contact via e-mail to discuss your ideas for potential projects.
Potential graduate students and post-doctoral researchers are advised to look out for PhD and postdoctoral offerings on Krea website. Other opportunities are advertised on the DBT and SERB websites, but do write in advance to discuss potential projects and shared interests.
We are always looking for motivated undergraduate and graduate researchers broadly interested in any and all aspect of structural colours or ornithology to join the Evolutionary Photonics Lab. Please contact via e-mail to discuss your ideas for potential projects.
Potential graduate students and post-doctoral researchers are advised to look out for PhD and postdoctoral offerings on Krea website. Other opportunities are advertised on the DBT and SERB websites, but do write in advance to discuss potential projects and shared interests.